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Running NuWro


After a successful installation you will find nuwro executable in nuwro/bin folder.


You can run NuWro providing the path to nuwro or you can add nuwro/bin to $PATH by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc:

export PATH=(path to nuwro)/bin:$PATH

NuWro does not require any command line arguments, although there are several optional arguments:

  • -o to provide the path for output files
  • -i to provide the path to an input file with simulation settings
  • -p to change a single simulation parameter w.r.t to the input file (this one can be use multiple times)

In general, the command to run NuWro would look like this:

nuwro [-o output root file] \
      [-i input parameters file] \
      [-p "parameter name 1 = value 1"] \
      [-p "parameter name 2 = value 2"] \
      [-p "parameter name N = value N"]

When running RES and DIS channel you will see many PYTHIA warnings about catching an infinite loop - just ignore them.


The path to a simulation settings file can be provided with -i option.


If the path to a simulation settings file is not provided:

  • $PWD/params.txt will be used or
  • nuwro/data/params.txt will be used or
  • hard-coded default settings will be used.

The example settings file can be found in nuwro/data/params.txt. It is recommended to copy this file to the working directory and modify as needed.

The list of available settings can be found in parameters section.


Copy default settings files to your working directory:

cp /path/to/nuwro/data/params.txt .

modify as needed and run NuWro:


Note: If nuwro/bin is not in $PATH you need to provide the full path.


Copy default settings files:

cp /path/to/nuwro/data/params.txt /some/path/my_params.txt

modify as needed and run NuWro providing the path to my_params.txt:

nuwro -i /some/path/my_params.txt

Parameters from a settings file can be modified using -p option. It is useful if you need to perform several simulations with only small changes to settings.


Let /some/path/my_params.txt be you base configuration. The following bash script:

for Ma in $(seq 1000 100 1300)
    nuwro -i /some/path/my_params.txt \
          -o my_output_$Ma.root \
          -p "qel_cc_axial_mass = $Ma"

will perform 4 simulations with the same settings but axial mass.


NuWro produces three output files:

  • $PWD/eventsout.root with an events tree
  • $PWD/eventsout.root.txt with flux-integrated cross sections
  • $PWD/eventsout.root.par with parameters used for the simulation

The output path can be changed with -o option.


The following command:

nuwro -o /path/to/simulation.root

will produce the following output files:

  • /path/to/simulation.root
  • /path/to/simulation.root.txt
  • /path/to/simulation.root.par

The instruction on how to work with NuWro output files can be found here.


The list of all available settings (as well as instruction on how to define beam and target) can be found in parameters section.

This section is just to demonstrate basic usage.

CCQE on Carbon

We want to perform the following simulation:

  • muon neutrino
  • mono-energetic beam 1 GeV
  • target = Carbon
  • only CCQE dynamics

Lets start with grabbing the default settings file, which we are going to modify for our needs:

cp /path/to/nuwro/data/params.txt ccqe_carbon.txt

1. Setting the beam

Locate "Beam specification" section and make sure that all beam related settings are commented (including includes @beam/...).

Add the following lines to define the beam:

beam_type = 0
beam_particle = 14
beam_energy = 1000

2. Setting the target

Locate "Target specification" section and make sure that all target related settings are commented (including includes @target/...).

Add the following lines to define the target:

target_type = 0
nucleus_p = 6
nucleus_n = 6

Predefined targets

Instead of defining target by hand it is possible to use predefined targets from nuwro/data/target/ folder. In this case simply add:


3. Setting dynamics

Locate the following lines:

dyn_qel_cc = 1  // Quasi elastic charged current
dyn_qel_nc = 0  // Quasi elastic neutral current
dyn_res_cc = 0  // Resonant charged current 
dyn_res_nc = 0  // Resonant neutral current
dyn_dis_cc = 0  // Deep inelastic charged current 
dyn_dis_nc = 0  // Deep inelastic neutral current 
dyn_coh_cc = 0  // Coherent charged current
dyn_coh_nc = 0  // Coherent neutral current
dyn_mec_cc = 0  // Meson exchange charged current
dyn_mec_nc = 0  // Meson exchange neutral current

and modify according to your needs. In this case disable all dynamics but CCQE.

4. Running simulation

If the ccqe_carbon.txt settings file is ready simply run:

nuwro -i ccqe_carbon.txt -o ccqe_carbon.root

Comparing nucleus models

We want to compare three nucleus models implemented in NuWro:

  • (global) Fermi gas (with fixed Fermi level)
  • local Fermi gas (with Fermi level dependent on density)
  • spectral function

Lets consider the NuMi neutrino beam and CH target for all CC channels. We need to perform three simulation, but they all may share the base settings file:

cp /path/to/nuwro/data/params.txt numi_cc_ch.txt

1. Setting beam and target

Make sure that all other beam and target settings ("Beam specification" and "Target specification") are commented. Then add the following lines to numi_cc_ch.txt:

@beam/NuMi_nu_100_10000.txt  # predefined beam from nuwro/data/beam/

target_type = 1              # composed target
target_content = 6 6 1x      # 1 x Carbon
target_content += 1 0 1x     # 1 x Hydrogen

2. Setting dynamics

Locate the following lines:

dyn_qel_cc = 1  // Quasi elastic charged current
dyn_qel_nc = 0  // Quasi elastic neutral current
dyn_res_cc = 1  // Resonant charged current 
dyn_res_nc = 0  // Resonant neutral current
dyn_dis_cc = 1  // Deep inelastic charged current 
dyn_dis_nc = 0  // Deep inelastic neutral current 
dyn_coh_cc = 1  // Coherent charged current
dyn_coh_nc = 0  // Coherent neutral current
dyn_mec_cc = 1  // Meson exchange charged current
dyn_mec_nc = 0  // Meson exchange neutral current

and modify according to your needs. In this case turn on only CC interactions.

3. Running simulations

As we are going to change only nucleus model we may use the same base settings file for all three simulations.

For (global) Fermi gas you have to set nucleus_target = 1 and you may want to make sure that spectral function is disabled (sf_method):

nuwro -i numi_cc_ch.txt \
      -p "nucleus_target = 1" \
      -p "sf_method = 0" \
      -o numi_cc_ch_gfg.root

In the similar way you can perform the simulation for local Fermi gas:

nuwro -i numi_cc_ch.txt \
      -p "nucleus_target = 2" \
      -p "sf_method = 0" \
      -o numi_cc_ch_lfg.root

and for spectral function:

nuwro -i numi_cc_ch.txt \
      -p "nucleus_target = 2" \
      -p "sf_method = 1" \
      -o numi_cc_ch_sf.root

Spectral function is applied only for (quasi-)elastic dynamics. For others the model set by nucleus_target is used.