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Singularity containers are provided for all NuWro releases (starting from 17.09).

The builds can be found in Singularity Hub.

Each container includes base OS, ROOT with PYTHIA6 and NuWro (in /opt/ folder).

For more information about Singularity please visit Singularity Used Guide.

Getting a container

One can easily get a Singularity container using singularity pull:

$ singularity pull shub://NuWro/builds:[release tag]

where tag = YY.MM (please make sure capitalization is correct - it is case sensitive), e.g.

$ singularity pull shub://NuWro/builds:17.09

Downloaded image (by default) has the following name:




Information about software versions installed in a container is stored in its metadata. To check it use inspect, e.g.

$ singularity inspect NuWro-builds-master-17.09.simg 
    "MAINTAINER": "",
    "NUWRO": "17.09",
    "ROOT": "5.34/36",
    "OS": "Ubuntu14.04",

Using a container

Any application can be executed from a container using exec, e.g. to run NuWro with default parameters

$ singularity exec NuWro-builds-master-17.09.simg nuwro

Arguments can be passed as usual, e.g.

$ singularity exec NuWro-builds-master-17.09.simg nuwro -i my_params.txt -o my_output.root

In the same way one can run myroot to analyse the output, e.g.

$ singularity exec NuWro-builds-master-17.09.simg myroot 

Also, NuWro containers are set up to run NuWro, by default:

singularity run [img file]


./[img file]

are equivalent to singularity exec [img file] nuwro, e.g.

./NuWro-builds-master-17.09.simg -p "beam_energy = 1234"

would run NuWro with all deafult parameters but neutrino energy (equal 1234 MeV).

Using ROOT5 container

One can also use the container with preinstalled ROOT 5 and PYTHIA6 to compile and use NuWro from local drive. To get the container:

$ singularity pull shub://NuWro/builds:root5

Start interactive shell:

$ singularity shell NuWro-builds-master-root5.simg

Go into NuWro folder (must be located somewhere in $HOME)

cd /home/user/my/path/to/nuwro