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Work in progress. Meanwhile, you can find more information in the tutorial.


Generated events are represented by objects of class event : public TObject. They are saved in an output ROOT file under a TTree named "treeout". Each event object stores all information about a single neutrino scattering process.

This section describes informations you can extract from an event object.


class event : public TObject provides many useful public variables and methods to use when analyze a ROOT output file. This section describes some of them. For the full list please refer to nuwro/src/event1.h.


event.flag stores the structure of the following flags:

Flag True for
qel (quasi-)elastic event
res pion production event through resonance excitation
dis deep inelastic scattering event
mec two-body current event
nc neutral current event
cc charged current event

Please note that RES channel is mainly pion production through Delta resonance, however, in general it is defined as inelastic events with invariant mass below 1.6 GeV. Everything above that value is marked as DIS channel.

Vectors of particles

There are three main std::vectors of particles:

Vector Stores
in initial state particles in primary vertex
out final state particles in primary vertex
post final state particles after final state interactions


The convention is that a lepton is always first particle in a vector, so:

  • in[0] - incoming neutrino
  • out[0] - outgoing neutrino / charged lepton

More information about particle class can be found in particle section.

Particles multiplicities

Although one can grab particles multiplicities directly from vectors, there are several methods to make it easier:

Method Returns the number of final state particles
int n(); after primary vertex
int f(); after final state interactions
int nof(int pdg); after primary vertex given by the PDG code
int fof(int pdg); after final state interactions given by the PDG code


There are only few kinematics methods for an event (see particle section for more):

Method Returns
vect q(); four-momentum transfer (more on vect class)
double q2(); four-momentum transfer squared
double W();` invariant mass

Please note default NuWro units is MeV.

Final state interactions

The following methods return the number of specific interaction type, happened during final state interactions:

Method Returns the number of
int number_of_nucleon_elastic(); nucleon elastic
int number_of_nucleon_spp(); nucleon single pion production
int number_of_nucleon_dpp(); nucleon double pion production
int number_of_pion_elastic(); pion elastic
int number_of_pion_ce(); pion charge exchange
int number_of_pion_spp(); pion single pion production
int number_of_pion_dpp(); pion double pion production
int number_of_pion_tpp(); pion triple pion production
int number_of_pion_abs(); pion absorption
int number_of_interactions(); the sum of above

Simulation settings

event.par stores the copy of parameters used for a simulation. Please note, that some values may be different from event to event (e.g. target nucleus for detector simulations).


Events keep information about initial and final states particles in std::vector <particle> (as described here). Usually, one has to loop over these vectors to extract information about final state particles.

This section describes informations you can find in a particle class object.


class particle : public vect provides many useful public variables and methods to use when analyze a ROOT output file. This section describes some of them. For the full list please refer to nuwro/src/particle.h.

Selected methods

Method Returns
double E(); total energy
double energy(); total energy
double Ek(); kinetic energy
double m(); mass
double mass(); mass
double mass2(); mass squared
double momentum(); value of the momentum
double momentum2(); momentum squared
vec p(); momentum as a 3-vector
vect& p4(); four-momentum
bool lepton(); true if lepton
bool pion(); true if pion
bool nucleon(); true if nucleon

Please note default NuWro units is MeV.

Selected variables

Method Description
int pdg; PDG code


There are two classes for handling vectors:

  • class vec: 3-vectors (x, y, z)
  • class vect: 4-vectors (t, x, y, z)

They both overload all reasonable operators, so vectors algebra is straightforward.

Not much to say about it - they are vectors. If you feel like reading more on that please see nuwro/src/vec.h and nuwro/src/vect.h.